CASE STUDY: Exploring New Depths With Generative AI

How DOER Marine Leveraged AI to Reimagine Its Brand

Deep Sea Creature
Deep Sea Creature

Learn how DOER Marine rebranded their imagery with the power of AI, enhancing marketability and revenue potential.

Find out how DOER Marine used Cascaid to:

  • Save Time: Streamlined the creation and marketing of high-quality images
  • Save Cost: Minimized expensive deep-sea expeditions or costly image production
  • Optimized Resources: Focusing team resources on innovation
  • Enhanced Marketing: Presented submersibles' capabilities in compelling and impactful ways.

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"While one job of a submersible is to collect subsea images, it is often challenging to capture images of the submersibles themselves. Cascaid's work helped people to visualize the submersibles in situ; sparking imagination and curiosity about ocean exploration."

Liz Taylor, CEO & President DOER Marine

Liz Taylor